[soci-users] Vagrant configuration available
Mateusz Loskot
2015-11-01 23:04:35 UTC

As proposed [1], I have just added [2] Vagrant set up with virtual development
environment for SOCI. The brief manual [3] should be clear.

Please, testers and users are strongly welcome
and open GH issue in case anyting is not working.

Next stop, Oracle and DB2 boxes.

[1] https://github.com/SOCI/soci/issues/432
[2] https://github.com/SOCI/soci/issues/434
[3] https://github.com/SOCI/soci/blob/master/docs/vagrant.md

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

Mateusz Loskot
2015-11-04 00:10:03 UTC
Post by Mateusz Loskot
As proposed [1], I have just added [2] Vagrant set up with virtual development
environment for SOCI. The brief manual [3] should be clear.
Please, testers and users are strongly welcome
and open GH issue in case anyting is not working.
Next stop, Oracle and DB2 boxes.
Vagrant config now provisions the VMs with DB2.
The soci.vm gets DB2 CLI driver 10.5 installed (requires manual download
from IBM website due to sign-in requirement, unfortunately).
The db2.vm gets DB2 Express-C 9.7 database installed.

Getting close to complete SOCI development env ready with "one click".

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

Mateusz Loskot
2015-11-07 21:44:40 UTC
Post by Mateusz Loskot
As proposed [1], I have just added [2] Vagrant set up with virtual development
environment for SOCI. The brief manual [3] should be clear.
Please, testers and users are strongly welcome
and open GH issue in case anyting is not working.
Next stop, Oracle and DB2 boxes.
There has been lots of update to Vagrant setup and now it offers
(almost) complete environment to build and test all backends,
including DB2.

Oracle is not available yet, but it will work in very similar way to DB2.

Here is complete usage manual

Basically, once you have SOCI git repo locally and Vagrant installed,
in command line, go to the repo directory and run:

vagrant up

This will do the following:
1) create and boot two guest virtual machines:
soci (ping vmsoci.local)
db2 (ping vmdb2.local)
2) configure runtime environment
3) create users and test database: DB2, Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL
4) run CMake in /home/vagrant/soci-build
5) run make in /home/vagrant/soci-build

Then, you can

vagrant ssh soci

cd /home/vagrant/soci-build
make test

Some useful info is printed in the "vagrant up" command output.

Hopefully, we now have got hassle-free SOCI development environment
accesisble to everyone.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
